Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Tomlin, K.A., Metzger, M.L., & Bradley-Geist, J. (2021). Inability to perceive one’s own susceptibility to bias as a barrier to effective ethics education: Assessment of student self-perception change via a behavioral ethics intervention. Journal of Business Ethics, 169, 731–746.

Tomlin, K.A., Metzger, M.L., Bradley-Geist, J., & Gonzalez-Padron, T. (2017). Are students blind to their ethical blind spots? Why ethics education should focus on self-perception biases. Journal of Management Education, 41, 539-574.

Tomlin, K.A., & Bradley-Geist, J. (2016). Alignment between antecedents and interventions: The critical role of implicit bias. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 9, 583-590.

Harber, K., Stafford, R., & Kennedy, K.A. (2010). The positive feedback bias as a response to self-image threat. British Journal of Social Psychology, 49, 207-218.

Kennedy, K.A., & Pronin, E. (2008). When disagreement gets ugly: Perceptions of bias and the escalation of conflict. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34, 833-848. *Graduate Student Publication Award, Society for Personality and Social Psychology

Harber, K., Jussim, L., Kennedy, K.A., Freyberg, R., & Baum, L. (2008). Social support values. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 38, 1463-1505.

Pronin, E., Olivola, C., & Kennedy, K.A. (2008). Temporal differences in decision making: Doing unto future selves as you would do unto others. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34, 224-236.

Pronin, E., Kennedy, K., & Butsch, S. (2006). Bombing verses negotiating: How preferences for combating terrorism are affected by perceived terrorist rationality. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 28, 385-392.

Book Chapters

Tomlin, K.A. (2016). Positive conflict and communication. In T. Duening (ed.), Leading the Positive Organization: Actions, Tools, and Processes. New York, NY: Business Expert Press.

Harber, K.D., & Kennedy, K.A. (2012). Praising others to affirm one’s self: Self-image motives and the positive feedback bias to minorities. In R. Sutton, M. Hornsey, & K. Douglas (eds.), Feedback: The handbook of praise, criticism, and advice. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishers.

Kennedy, K.A., & Pronin, E. (2012). Bias perception in the spiral of conflict. In J. Hanson (ed.), Ideology, Psychology, and Law. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Work in Progress

Hangen, E., Tomlin, K.A., & Cannity, K. (in progress). Proven performance or potential: Does sex matter for how job applicants are evaluated? Target: Journal of Business and Psychology


Tomlin, K.A., Etchison, S. & Russo, C. (in progress). “Give it a try”: The effect of bad recommendations on interpersonal perceptions between friends. Target: Psychology & Marketing